I started XRay Copying UK when it became apparent that the normal methods of obtaining copies of xrays needed for medical insurance took too long and normal paper photocopies were of an inadequate resolution and not of diagnostic quality.
We specialise in copying floppy film / acetate radiographs into high resolution digital images suitable for any application. Xrays can be copied the same day, and emailed to you immediately and the originals returned to you securely.
Using specialist xray copying hardware we can quickly (usually within the hour) copy any acetate xray up to A3 in size and turn them into a high quality digital image.
These images can then be altered if required using standard photo editing software to aid in treatment planning and diagnostics.
Your digital xrays are stored as PDF files and can be emailed like any other attachment to wherever you need to send them.
Follow my 3 STEP process on how to turn your acetate xrays into high resolution digital images.